This is my jam submission for Curdle Jam #35! Like the disclaimer above says, this project is unfinished! With that, I understand my project will not be ranked very high or be looked at the same way as if it were finished. That's ok! I'm happy to just release this project in a state that is somewhat "playable". 

     This project would have been finished on time, however I got sick for a few day during the game jam and was unable to work on the project at that time. Between that and working I did not have a lot of time to work on this project. However, I am extremely pleased with how this project turned out. Thanks for reading (if you did) and more importantly, THANKS FOR PLAYING!!! 

----- HOW TO PLAY -----

Goal: To get to the bottom of the map to mine a divine ore without losing all your health! . . . That's the idea anyways. Right now, all you can do is mine tiles, click on tiles for a inaccurate description, build in mined tiles, and watch as your food bar drains and you lose all your health. Not to worry! losing all your health does nothing because I didn't program anything in for it!


     Middle Mouse Button - Click and drag to move the camera around.

     In-game Buttons: These buttons are in the lower right and left corner of the screen.

          Mining Icon! Click it and you can mine tiles that are next to open tiles!

          Select Icon! Use this button to click on tiles for a short description! Most of the descriptions aren't accurate...

          Search Icon! You can use this to explore open cave tiles!

          Build Icon! With this you can MARK YOUR TERRITORY by building fortress tiles! Most tiles don't do anything right now... but its a feature :)

          Pass Time Icon! You clicked this to pass time and end your turn. This will regen your energy and change the time (This also does nothing at the moment!)

You also cannot kill the monsters in the game! oopsie I didn't have time to make something to fight them. Thats what I get for getting sick 

That's it! Again thanks a lot for checking the page out, reading this, and playing my broken and unfinished game teehee.


I spent a lot of time and effort making the assets and code for this, so I'm going to show off what I did here!

This is a picture of the Blender file of all the tile assets I made!

Heres a picture of one of the statues! Upclose its very ugly, but since each tile is only 128px X 128px these guys only end up being no bigger than 20 - 20px big on screen.

Everything is at a 45-85 degree tilt! Why? I dunno, too lazy to explain.

This mushroom I made for another project that I used in my game. I needed a modeled mushroom and figured it was faster to use an old one from a project I did before the Jam.


All texture used in making the tiles were gotten from

All the models, code, and sprites were made by me.

All sound effects were edited together by me, but the sounds origins come from

Tracks used were:






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this is great! Sad to see the sickness issue also hit you too. 

Yeah, it sucks but that's just life. I'm just glad I was able to upload some of my work though! Thanks for playing!


Dont be so hard on yourself! You did something awesome here. Although i feel like the loop isnt completely finished, i get the idea and there is potential here. I always like colony management games, would've been cool to see all the stats change as i build. Keep at it mister man!

Thanks! Yeah I'm definitely disappointed I couldn't finish the game loop fully, but I am happy I finished. Again, thanks for playing!